Thought that you were the only one who has suddenly become obsessed with owning only the finest luxury mens clothing? Nope! This is a trend that is going global!

According to James Lawson, director of Ledbury Research, last year global sales of men’s clothing rose 40 per cent – and that only accounts for the amount of luxury items that were purchased. This was 14 per cent higher than the year before, showing that luxury items for men aren’t only popular, but that they’ve been becoming more so in the last couple of years specifically. Another interesting statistic that can be taken from Lawson’s research is that global sales of women’s clothing rose only 8 per cent – only just over half of how quickly men’s global clothing sales grew.

The fact that this increase has been on luxury clothing is indicated in the fact that the brands that saw the most sales within the past year have been Giorgio Armani, Hugo Boss, Burberry, and Robert Graham. All luxury names that individually point to today’s shifting trends in their own right, to go along with the shifting trend towards the popularity in men’s designer clothing.


December 12, 2012 — D W Haberdasher Limited

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