Harleys’ Best-Dressed Men of 2013
‘Tis the season to reflect on menswear’s greatest moments over the past year and highlight the men who wowed, inspired, and challenged us with clothes they wore and the presence they had. In no particular order, here are our top picks for the best-dressed men of 2013 (with links to photos):
1. Bradley Cooper
Never has a man made a three-piece suit look so good. Applause to you, Mr. Cooper.
2. Michael B. Jordan
His fashion sense is as sharp as his acting chops. This kid knows how to wear a suit. Just look at him.
3. Justin Timberlake
When you are a king of the entertainment world, you need to dress the part. Timberlake has always been one to watch when it comes to mens fashion, but 2013 was really a winning year.
4. David Beckham
Like a true Brit, Beckham consistently dresses right. It seems that no matter what event Beckham attends, he is always dressed perfectly for the occasion
5. Ryan Gosling
Gosling rocks whatever he wears, whether it is a suit and tie or a paper-thin t-shirt and combat boots, with a je ne sais quoi that seems to signal a mix of awkward rebellion and a sophisticated sense of fashion.
6. Victor Cruz
Cruz gives Tom Brady a run for his money as the best-dressed man in the NFL. And since we are a tad tired of Brady’s perfect face, perfect arm, and supermodel wife, we choose to highlight Cruz and his ability to rock anything he wears, albeit a suit or relaxed streetwear.
7. Jay Z
It looks like Jay Z (minus the en-dash now, apparently) learned a thing or two from his stylish wife and powerhouse, Beyoncé, this year. Thank you, B.
8. Jimmy Fallon
Late night TV host Fallon sports sleek Tom Ford suits behind the desk, and keeps it classy casual while out and about.
9. Bryan Cranston
Maybe because Walter White’s routine khakis, blah button down shirt and members only jacket on Breaking Bad are the epitome of “meh,” actor Bryan Cranston is inspired to be a consistently dapper guy.
10. Liam Hemsworth
The jury is still out on his acting abilities, but his keen eye for style was been proven this year. With the release of the fanatically popular Catching Fire, the second film in the Hunger Games trilogy, Hemsworth has been snapped looking sharp on a plethora of red carpets in 2013.
There's our top 10. Did we miss anyone? Who inspired your style in 2013? Tell us in the comments section below.